What Is The Choice Neighborhoods Initiative?

The HUD Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CN) employs a comprehensive approach to neighborhood transformation. The program helps communities by revitalizing distressed public (and/or assisted) housing while investing and leveraging investments in:

  • Well-functioning services and public assets

  • High quality public schools/education programs

  • High quality early learning programs/services

  • Public transportation and mobility

  • Improved access to jobs

The CN will ensure that current residents will be able to benefit from this transformation by preserving affordable housing or providing residents with the choice to move in to affordable and accessible housing in another existing neighborhood of opportunity.

The Choice Neighborhoods Initiative is focused on three core goals:

  1. Housing: Transform distressed public and assisted housing into energy efficient, mixed-income housing that is physically and financially viable over the long term.

  2. People: Support positive outcomes for families who live in the target developments and the surrounding neighborhood, particularly outcomes related to residents’ education, health and recreation, safety, employment, and mobility; and

  3. Neighborhood: Transform distressed neighborhoods into viable, mixed-income neighborhoods with access to well-functioning services, high quality public schools and education programs, high quality early learning programs and services, public assets, public transportation, and improved access to jobs.

What happens now?

The planning process will kick off in Fall 2023 and wrap up in late 2025. Over the next two years, GHA and the City of Gainesville will bring community members and planning partners together to create a viable and actionable vision for the East University Avenue neighborhood. This vision will be tied to specific Housing, People, and Neighborhood strategies that will guide the revitalization of Lake Terrace and Pine Meadows, and the positive transformation of the surrounding neighborhood. CN ensures current residents will benefit from these investments by planning to 1) replace all 180 housing units at Lake Terrace and Pine Meadows and 2) provide additional mixed-income housing opportunities in the neighborhood.

Who will be Involved?

As the community envisions, designs, and seeks to implement neighborhood improvements, residents will be at the center of the planning process. GHA and the City will work with Lake Terrace / Pine Meadows residents, neighboring residents, public and private agencies, community and philanthropic organizations, community members, and other stakeholders to develop - and secure resources to implement - the Plan. Engagement opportunities will include:

  • Participating in facilitated sessions and workshops to shape the vision.

  • Joining working groups to develop

  • People, Housing, and Neighborhood strategies

  • Taking on part-time, paid Community

  • Ambassadors roles to champion and assume a leadership role in the process.

  • Attending fun events where you can meet neighbors, share your aspirations and concerns, and celebrate the past, present, and future of your community!

What do we hope to achieve with the Choice Neighborhood Planning grant?

The grant will be used to bring the community and planning partners together to create a viable and actionable Transformation Plan for the East University Ave community, which can be implemented utilizing a variety of local, state, and national resources. The grant will also be utilized to develop and construct a catalytic early action project that will benefit all residents of the community.

Why was this neighborhood selected?

The East University Avenue Neighborhood holds tremendous opportunities and a strategic location, just east of Downtown. Though the community faces challenges, it includes many assets and opportunities that can be leveraged to improve the quality of life for residents, including the Eastside Community Center, several parks and schools, and the Morningside Nature Center.

How Can This Benefit The Neighborhood In The Short-Term?

The planning team will dedicate approximately $100,000 to identify and build an “Early Action Project” in late 2023 - early 2024 that will have an immediate positive benefit for the community. We need your involvement to help come up with these important ideas!

Does The Planning Process Include Construction Of New Housing?

No, the current process only involves planning for the construction of new housing and neighborhood improvements, and the implementation of a smaller Early Action Project. After the planning process is completed in 2025, the next step is to pursue a variety of local, state, and national resources to implement the Plan. This will likely include applying for a Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant, which could provide approximately $30 and $50 million. With the time frame involved, construction work would not begin for at least five years.

Following completion of the CN Plan, the City of Gainesville and GHA will be eligible to apply for a CN Implementation Grant, which could provide between $30 and $50 million towards Housing, People, and Neighborhood Initiatives.

What Is The CN Implementation Grant?

Are There Resident Hiring Opportunities As Part Of This Process?

Yes, we are looking to identify a set of Community Ambassadors to assist with resident engagement, data gathering, and Plan feedback. Ambassadors will be provided a stipend for their effort.

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